Miscellaneous - Lubricants
2 items

JB 80 Lubricant or Penetrant
JB 80 Lubricant for locks and latches, stops squeaks, frees rusted parts, displaces moisture, spray battery terminals to stop corrosion, lubricates guns and fishing equipment. JB 80 penetrating oil is great for drilling applications, 13 oz.
- $16.25 16.25 USD

JB Chain Lube
JB Heavy Duty Chain Lube for motorcycles, chain saws, farm and industrial equipment lubricates all types of chains, and reduces friction and wear. JB Chain Lube is good for "O" ring chains, recommended for use on roller bearing chains, protects against rust and corrosion, does not cake or gum, and allows for deep penetration.
- $16.25 16.25 USD
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View the Lubricants page at Lindstrom Equipment. Lindstrom sells ag parts and ag equipment across the United States.